Business Healing
This is a speciazed service for small or middle size businesses who feel that there is a certain level of slowness of attracting new clients, issues with interpersonal relations, problems between employees or with a particular client contact. Or perhaps the function in general or the business premises are being affected in unwanted way. Problems can often occur when there is a blockage in the energy flow which can vary in connections either in a client relationships or even with a personal matter. Or it can simply be some negative energy in the actual business premises. All this can effect how your business succeeds and how much prosperity you will have. Business healing service can help to remove unnecessary blockages by taking a closer look energetically in all possible situations within the business and then giving healing and clearing unwanted energies.
The healing process with 7 steps
The Business Healing service includes seven parts all together. 1) A video consultation to get to know about your business and your needs to create more abundance 2) Mapping out all the problem areas
3) Conclusion of the roots of the business idea and the personal motivation of the owner/ founder of the business 4) Addressing the relevant areas where healing is needed. 5) The actual 1 hour distant healing session 6) A feedback call. 7) An aftercare contact to see the results.
What happens in the actual distant Business Healing session?
- Overall viewing intuitively
- Business purpose review
- Cord check up & Cord healing
- Reviewing intuitively inter connections
- Reviewing intuitively client or other connections
- Interpretation of received channeled messages
- Unblocking the energy flow
- Clearing negative energies
- Light healing for wider success and abundance
- Protection from rivals and unwanted energies