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              Equine Communication


Equine Communication (Animal Communication) is a telepathic connection with a horse. It is a distant energy field reading session where the horse will communicate various things including his physical and emotional state, issues in surroundings, memories from past, fears, possible physical pain, past traumas, likes and dislikes or anything the horse feels is relevant for us to know at that moment. Questions can be asked from horses and answers will be received. Owners can also send messages to their horses. Just one session can resolve behaviour or other issues and help deepen the connection and trust with your beloved horse.


The best feedback from clients is when they have received an answer for questions regarding of the wellbeing of the horse. Perhaps something that has been bothering them for a while. Knowing what your horse thinks about any changes in their daily life, food, their herd or people close to them can give a peace of mind. Other times if the horse has shown some physical issues, the owner can have him checked up by a veterinarian to out rule any illnesses.


For the Equine Communication session is needed a recent photo of your horse where his eyes are seen well and if he looks at the camera it is even better. One clear facial photo or two is enough. Prior to the session I prefer not to know any information about the horse apart from his/hers name. You can have max 4 questions ready that I will ask during the session.


The best time to organize a session is when the horse is not working and not ridden at that time. Any time when the horse is relaxing or eating indoors or outdoors in his normal habitant is good. The session takes about an hour followed by taking notes of all information and messages received during the distant session. After that we will go through all outcome in detail on a what's app call. This is an important part where all the messages will find a full meaning for the owner of the horse.


I am happy to tell more in a brief consultation phone call if it is something you wish.

One hour session with a detailed one hour phone call feedback included is £50/ 55€.

Enquiries and bookings:




                      Equine Healing 


Equine Healing is a holistic care option for horses. This is a natural and gentle treatment where focus is on listening to the horse and it's body and finding the root of a problem. Healing helps for any injuries, illnesses, past trauma and behaviour issues and activates the body's own natural healing process.


Horses are extremely sensitive beings and therefore they are hugely responsive for this treatment . Equine Healing session includes an overall wellbeing check, energy healing, light touch (unless it is a distant healing session) and detailed feedback.  It is suitable and beneficial for all horses with any type of physical, behaviour or emotional issues. The treatment activates the body's own self-healing process and can also be used to boost the general health and the wellbeing of your beloved horse by giving them more protection for their immune system.


Equine Healing does not replace any medical treatment. Although physical issues can be seen in a healing session, it is never a diagnosis and in those cases I strongly advise to make an appointment with a local Vet to confirm the horses medical condition.


One Equine Healing session takes about an hour and is followed by writing down all outcomes from the session. Afterwards we will go through all matters in detail I a what's app call. The call is extremely important and relevant to bring light to all  information and issues that were presented during the Equine Healing session. This is a distant healing session where the geographical distance is not important. If required  a contact healing for your horse is also available depending on your location. Please ask for details.


I am happy to tell more in a brief consultation phone call if it is something you wish.

One hour session with a detailed one hour phone call feedback included is £50/ 55€.

Enquiries and bookings:



  Equine Communication & Healing


It is also possible to combine these two sessions in one. In this case the communication time is longer and the session more profound. The combined Equine Communication and Equine Healing session is £70/ 75 € (including the detailed explanation call of the outcome of the session)



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All sessions include an initial chat, mapping about clients present medical and emotional state, relaxation visualisation, Energy Healing & reading of your energy system and a moment of reflection in the end. The first session includes also a clarification of the client's background and wishes for the outcome of the Energy Healing sessions.


Healing session (in person) 1 h  Â£60/ 70 €

Healing session with therapeutic wellness consultation  1,5 h  Â£80/ 90 €

Healing in your home add £10/ 15€ (for travel expenses)

Set of four- 1 h sessions  Â£220/ 260€


Concessions available. Please ask for details.



Ragdoll Cat

Your pet has feelings and can sometimes have emotional stress just like us. Animals have the ability to overcome many physical problems given time but sometimes a little extra help is needed and, as with humans, emotional wellfare is essential in promoting good health. Often pets can pick up issues or worries of the owner so working with the owner is often recommended. In some cases, especially if the animal has had previous owners or been rescued it can be beneficial to work just with the animal. Energy Healing addresses both physical and emotional issues as often they are linked.


Healing is a complementary treatment and veterinary advice should always be asked first..


Healing for pets (cats and dogs or other smaller animals) £40/50€ per visit (for local area) Travel cost is added for long distance. 

Distant Healing for pets (cats and dogs or other smaller animals) Â£35/ 40€


Duration of the contact healing is always decided by your pet. Distant Healing session takes usually 30-60 mins. Pre-consultation and a client follow up by phone or writing is always included to the distant healing sessions.


Animal Communication is also available for your pet.

Please ask for more details.

Distant Healing & Energy Readings

I offer Distant Healing for people and animals who are geographically located far away or unable to come for contact healing. Distant Healing is as effective as contact Healing and the benefits can be felt sometimes even more strongly. When we work on an energy level there is no space separation, therefore the physical distance does not matter.


A Distant Healing session includes:


  • Aura check up, Healing & Repair

  • Chakra check up, activation & cleansing 

  • Intuitive medical review

  • Removal of disturbing energies

  • Light healing

  • Soul reading

  • Cord cutting (if required)

  • Interpretation of intuitive messages

  • 1 hour feedback call


Distant Healing sessions can be organised once or twice a week, The sessions take from 30 up to 60 minutes each session. More frequent times can be organised for someone in an urgent need or a person in Intensive Care at the hospital. No special arrangement for the client is necessary at healing times although a relaxed position and ambient helps a person to feel the sensations of Healing and to be more receptive. The effect of the session will be equal in any case. A detailed written review or a phone call of the distant healing session is included to all the sessions.


Intuitive medical review is never a diagnosis, but possibly an early sign of unbalanced energies in the body. It is though strongly advisable to get it checked by your doctor or medical professional.


Distant healing £50/ 60€ per person/session 


Distant healing for small Animals £40/ 45€ per session


Animal communication £60/ 65€ per session

The pet owner can send questions (max 4) in advance and all detailed answers will be delivered in a feedback call. A couple of recent photos of the pet where the eyes are seen clearly is required for the Animal Communication reading.

Assistance in your personal soul journey if you are ready for a change. Individual consultations online or in person. Personalised healing journey for anyone seeking more wellbeing, happiness and a profound change for their life.


Please ask for details and more information by emailing:

I am available to work offering my personalised healing sessions in a variety of Wellness, Body&Mind&Spirit and different Healing based retreats, events and workshops locally and internationally. Please do contact me if you have something in mind you would like to discuss.

I offer my services for elderly people in Care home or Hospice environment. Patients with various illnesses can benefit from Energy Healing. My knowledge and understanding comes from being also a Carer and having experience working with people with Dementia, Alzheimer's disease, Diabetes, Depression and different anxiety disorders.


Please email me for any enquiries and I can come and make an assessment and a free healing demonstration for the person in charge of the Care Home. Healing Clinic days are available for several Care Home residents within the same day.Please ask for details.

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